
Find your perfect job - fast, fair and free

Imagine if you only had to tell your skills story once and the people you needed to actually heard it. Our platform allows you to describe your skills and experience so they can be found efficiently, accurately, and without unconscious biases by employers who are genuinely interested in matching you to roles.
No more applying for jobs you weren’t going to get, or wondering “did they even read my CV?”. If your skills match, you will be found!

Do less work
Stop writing CVs

Tell your story completely and accurately, just once. Keep it updated as you grow your career, and you can be found when you want by any employer who needs your skills and experience.

Be found, fast
Let your skills do the talking

Tell your story completely and accurately, just once. Keep it updated as you grow your career, and you can be found when you want by any employer who needs your skills and experience.

We level the playing field

Tell your story completely and accurately, just once. Keep it updated as you grow your career, and you can be found when you want by any employer who needs your skills and experience.

For free
Yep, nada

Tell your story completely and accurately, just once. Keep it updated as you grow your career, and you can be found when you want by any employer who needs your skills and experience.

Step 1: Create your profile
Sign up here to create your profile.
Follow the 2FA prompts to authenticate.
Step 2: Build your skills profile
Personal Details: This is where you create your identity and set your preferences. Don't forget to set your status to "Actively seeking work" or "Open to offers" otherwise your profile will remain hidden from employers.
Skills & Experience: This is where you encode your professional skills and experience. Find those that are relevant to you through either the hierarchical or keyword searches.
Record your competency level and years experience for each skill, and don't forget to include a short word summary to explain your scores.
Hit save and you have just encoded the first block of your "Professional DNA”. This will be how we will match you to suitable roles,
Add as many relevant skills and experiences as possible to rank higher in searches and maximise your chances of being found.
Attachments: Typically your CV, qualifications, certificates and anything else you think employers would like to see.
Step 3: Check the Jobs Board
Once your profile is built you can check the jobs board to find your next job.
The Jobs Board lists all jobs currently available on the platform.
If you are interested in a job you can apply for it directly within the platform.
Step 4: Relax
Once you've created your profile you are immediately findable by employers. They will reach out and start a conversation if you rank highly for the skills and experiences they need.
You can relax knowing that your profile is guaranteed to rank fairly on the basis of your skills and experience (not gender or ethnicity) in every candidate search and job listed within the platform
Don't forget to change your status to if you are no-longer looking for work.

Additional Resource

Contact us : reach out if you need support in posting your jobs.