Privacy Policy

Business information collected:
• Job Title
• Company Name
• Postal Address of Company
• Telephone Number of Company
• Company Profile / Description

Company Information
Company information is public information and is not deemed personal or sensitive information.

Identifiers & Sensitive Information
AUKUS Jobs does not use external identifiers on any individual within the AUKUS Jobs database.

Use & Disclosure
Contact information for job seekers is used by AUKUS Jobs clients for matching to specific roles they have. The jobseeker is ‘deidentified’ by the system until they have accepted outreach from an organisation seeking a role and provided consent to share name and contact details.
Data is predominantly used by organisations within Australia. If data is sent overseas, it is done so with contract stipulation that the data is used in a way that is not in breach of the Australian Privacy Principles.
Any individual may request access to their information held in the AUKUS Jobs database, request a correction or request to opt-out from any future contact at no cost by:
• emailing, by:
• telephone: +61 411 317 218, or
• by writing to: Privacy, AUKUS Jobs, c/- 12 Johnston St, Narrabundah, ACT, 2604

Users of AUKUS Jobs sites, owned and operated by AUKUS Jobs Pty Limited, are advised that there are inherent risks transmitting information across the Internet.

Data Security & Quality
AUKUS Jobs employs rigorous security practices so that data is protected from misuse, unauthorised access, disclosure or modification. Data is only supplied to authorised users under contract to provide appropriate use and security.

Data Collection
Information held in the AUKUS database is collected from a range of sources including individual contributions, newspaper and magazine clippings, business directories, company websites and telephone research. Information is checked and updated on a regular basis from such sources and telephone research.